About - Transformation and Innovation Exchange
About the Transformation and Innovation Exchange
Developed by councils for councils, the Transformation and Innovation Exchange brings practical support for councils into one place. The Transformation and Innovation Exchange is a hub which:
• brings together a range of resources, guidance, tools and
training that councils may find useful about transformation,
innovation and efficiency
• captures and describes the
characteristics of effective councils
• introduces an online
self-assessment tool to help councils identify how effective they are
currently, and where they would like to get to in 18 months’ time
The self-assessment tool uses, as its basis, the research and
learning assembled over the last decade about what makes an effective
authority. Further detail is available in this guide to the Transformation and
Innovation Exchange. The tool invites a response to a number of
statements in areas identified as hallmarks of an effective council:
• role of the authority
• managing income
managing expenditure
• use of data and intelligence
use of digital and technology
• procurement and
• leadership and management
organisational approach to change
• getting the best from staff
We are launching the Exchange as a beta version, and welcome
feedback, with the aim of developing it further by the end of the
year. Please send any comments to transparency@local.gov.uk.