LG Inform Plus - Data Tool and API
Tools and programmer interfaces to provide access to the raw data used by LG Inform and LG Inform Plus.
The LG Inform Plus Data Tool and Application Programming Interface (API) provide access to the raw metrics data and associated metadata used by the LG Inform and LG Inform Plus reporting services.
LG Inform Plus maintains a database of more than two billion metric values drawn from 280+ open sources from 50 publishing organisations. They cover many types of area including wards, small statistical areas (LSOAs and MSOAs), local authorities, regions, integrated care boards, and England as a whole. The Data Tool provides an interface for querying metric values that match selection criteria for one or more metric types, areas and time periods. It lets you download raw and derived data values and create queries which can be embedded in external tools such as spreadsheets and business information systems.
The Data Tool gives an easy way of constructing calls to the “data” web method. This is one of about 50 web methods that can be used to write your own programs.