Record of Processing Aactivity (RoPA) Tool
RoPA is an LGA service that lets councils create and maintain their record of processing Activity, as required by General Data Protection Regulations.
RoPA (Record of\Processing Activity) tool allows subscribed authorities to create and maintain the RoPA for their organisation in order to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). GDPR requires an organisation to keep details of any records the organisation keeps or processes (including those shared with others) which contain any personal information.
The RoPA tool uses the LG Inform Plus Records Retention information to help identify record types which may be kept by an organisation and which may contain either standard personal information (name, contact details etc.) or ‘special’ information or more sensitive personal information (health data, financial data etc.).
The RoPA tool allows an organisation to add and maintain all the information about records containing personal data which is mandated by GDPR either online or by download/upload of spreadsheets. Once a RoPA record exists, the tool also allows an organisation to auto-generate a privacy notice for the record set and to use a link to the privacy notice on their web site (or elsewhere) such that the privacy notice is auto-generated with the latest RoPA information each time the link is selected.