LGA Design in the public sector programme hub
Created By:
Guy Head
Last updated:
04 Mar 2024
Case study
Delivered in partnership between the LGA and Design Council, the Design in Public Sector programme (DIPS) equips councils with design skills and methods to apply to their toughest local climate challenges and most ambitious aspiration or mission.
The aims of the Design in the Public Sector Programme are to:
- Build cross-sector partnerships that collaboratively explore climate challenges locally to generate demonstrator projects
- Build design skills and capabilities within the council and across partners, to reduce the impact of climate change, through mitigation or adaptation
- Deliver an accelerated learning experience for local authorities
- Create new insights and evidence to generate solutions
- Enable new ways of working with partners and stakeholders
- Create a community of practice around climate action across the sector sharing best practice, insight and key learning
- To use the evidence and insight generated around climate action to inform policy recommendations
Change approach » Community focus
Change approach » Customer focus
Change approach » Service focus
Critical success factors » Getting the best from staff
Critical success factors » Approach to change