Please Read

Disclaimer - By uploading evidence to this platform you agree that:

  • You have appropriate permission to upload this document. Documents should be published and available in the public domain. Academic articles behind a paywall should NOT be uploaded to the site. Similarly any documents or articles with copyright protection should not be uploaded
  • You are not uploading inappropriate content – evidence should be relevant to Northern policy makers and have a clear evidence base
  • The site owners reserve the right to review and if necessary remove content where necessary to ensure the evidence base remains high quality and robust

How to share resources

Thank you for supporting our goal of enabling knowledge sharing across the North of England.

You can easily view and search for resources in the library without logging in.

If you have resources to share that are not already hosted on the platform, please see below for a step-by-step guide on how to upload relevant evidence to the platform. We also recommend that you take a look at the Style Guide for guidance on how to present your evidence.

  1. You will need to log in to upload evidence, so if you don't already have a Knowledge Hub account, please sign up.

  2. After signing up, go to the library page and log in (via button, top right).

  3. Once you are logged in, you will see an Add Resource button appears just below the login button.

  4. Clicking this provides an upload form, with a range of text boxes for you to fill in information about the item you are uploading.

  5. Fill in the relevant boxes using the guidance provided in the Style Guide. Please note that any field with an orange asterisk is mandatory.

  6. Once completed, press Save. This will upload the evidence to the platform.