Centre for Cities Future of Cities talks

Created By:  thumbnail Jack Ford
Last updated: 29 Nov 2021
Blogs & Think pieces

Centre for Cities recently held a series of three talks under the headline 'The Future of Urban Living', each tackling a key question about how the pandemic has changed how city residents live, work, and spend their leisure time. The speakers, who included representatives of BIDs, major landlords, investment firms, and local authorities highlight how whilst the pandemic has not 'changed everything' as the 2020 cliché suggested, it has modified and accelerated several existing trends. These include the specialisation of cities in the leisure, entertainment and cultural sectors, the preference of young people for city centre living, and hybrid working. All the speakers agree that cities are important as ever for the UK's economic success as places for collaboration and exchange, and that recent footfall data includes encouraging signs for the recovery of cities. They also point out that activity in regional cities and smaller cities (such as Blackpool and Sunderland) are by some measures higher than pre-pandemic, but that this compares to a low base and more need to be done to ensure that these benefits are captured and made permanent. 

Category: Demographics & Labour Markets Spatial Planning Housing