Cities Outlook 2022

Created By:  Former Member
Last updated: 27 Jan 2022

In January 2022, the Centre for Cities published the Cities Outlook 2022 report, providing research into levelling up, the impact of Covid-19 on high streets, and an overview of how the UK’s cities performed in 2021. The report shows that online shopping surged at the beginning of the pandemic, but has since stalled, with levels staying broadly level between September 2020 and September 2021. High streets in weaker places struggled the least, but also have the least potential to rebound strongly. Burnley high street lost approximately 8 weeks of sales between March 2020 and September 2021, whilst London lost 47 weeks of sales in the same period. There is therefore a warning that once government support is withdrawn, shop closures may begin to accelerate again as they were pre-pandemic.

Category: Demographics & Labour Markets Economics Policy