Last updated: 08 May 2023

In France, UGAP (Union des Groupements d'Achats Publics) is the main platform for group purchasing in the public sector. Public sector purchasing of works and supply contracts is also a major concern at the European level. It is therefore very important for local authorities to gather knowledge and exchange expertise around how the 2014 EU procurement directives are interpreted nationally in each member state . UGAP is hosting an international meeting in Paris on 22nd and 23rd May and UDITE has been invited to speak on the issues that all you are experiencing in your day to day work   across Europe. The European Commission will speak about the implications of international procurement instruments and the regulation of foreign subsidies. Meanwhile the OECD will look at the issue of risk management and public procurement. The UGAP event will also touch upon eCommerce, IT procurement, supply chain and other areas will also be discussed.