About UDiTE - UDiTE
The Federation of European Union Local Authority Chief Executive Officers (UDiTE) – started in Nancy, France, in March 1990, at the instigation of Gérard Combe, who was then Secrétaire Général of that city. Stephane PINTRE, UDiTE's outgoing president talks about the opportunites and challenges for UDiTE.
Professional associations of Chief Executives in six countries were the founder members. The organisation established by Gérard Combe was originally known as the "Commission Permanente des Dirigeants Territoriaux Européens" – the Standing Committee of European Local Authority Chief Executives.
After the second meeting of the Standing Committee, in Dover in 1991, a permanent organisation was set up. It was thus that UDiTE was formed in Barcelona in November 1991.
Constituted according to the French law of 1901, it is a federation of professional associations which is today made up of national federations of local government chief executives and clerks Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal and Spain. See current membership.
The federation seeks to promote relations between the national professional associations of local and regional authority chief executives and senior officers to promote exchange of experience, sharing of knowledge, management development and contributing to the European Union policies with an impact on the subnational (territorial) level.
The official languages used by UDiTE are English and French.
Past Presidents
Gérard COMBE France 1991-1994
Artur Vieira DIAS (†) Portugal 1995-1996
François RICHE (†) Belgium 1997-1998
Antonino SAIJA Italy 1999-2000
Arjan VAN GILS The Netherlands 2001-2002
Juan Ignacio SOTO VALLE Spain 2003-2004
Alan VENDELBO Denmark 2005-2006
Adrian MIFSUD Malta 2007-2008
Byron DAVIS Great Britain 2009-2010
Didier DURAFFOURG (†) France 2011-2012
Eulalio Avila CANO Spain 2013-2014
Ronny FREDERICKX Belgium 2015-2017
Francisco ALVEIRINHO CORREIA Portugal 2017-2018
Paul GATT Malta 2018-2021
Stéphane PINTRE France 2021-2024
Our most recent Activity Reports