EWRC 2023 - UDiTE
Thank you for attending the UDiTE/VEOLIA #EURegionsWeek 2023 workshop
on Wednesday 11th October, 2023
Local Energy Loops for Local Energy Needs
Code: 11WS23208
Our high profile panel discussed why local energy loops are key to tacking high energy costs & are the basic building block for Europe to replicate best practices across the European Union and get the bloc back on track with its 20230 targets.
With local authorities are challenged by the high cost of energies that is creating real challenges for the provision of essential services to our citizens. Replicable local energy loops are the key the energy performance of our buildings and some of the case studies showed how local authorities can keep their swimming pools open, our streets safe and source heat recovery for social housing.
In particular, the panel looked at successful local energy loops throughout Europe that are enabling local authorities to work hand in hand with private sector operators like Veolia who can bring new approaches to address issues that are specific in their territories.
Moderator - Tamsin Rose
Video welcome from Stephane Pintre
UDiTE President – European Federation of Chief Executives in Local Government
Territorial Partnerships: drivers for deleivering local energy loops
Xavier Boivert - UDiTE & Chief Executive
Commune de Mordelles (Rennes) France
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Europe : a key driver for the energy transition in the Morbihan
Danielle Harvard, Deputy Chief Executive
Morbihan Energies & Brittany regional president for SNDGCT
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Replicating best practices across Europe
Denis Bonvillan Head of EU Public Affairs, Veolia
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Final moderated discussion
Local Energy Loops

Organiser: Simon Pascoe