15th / 16th OCTOBER 2021



UDITE hosted a successful two day Congress in Metz in partnership with SNDGCT, our French association conference, Territorialis, on 15th and 16th October 2021.

The two day event included  two high level workshops and a Governing Council that saw the election of a new President, Stephane Pintre, from France, who will succeed Paul Gatt from Malta at the end of the year. 

Paul Gatt presented a packed document that listed all the achievements of the current 3 years presidency since December 2018.




Stéphane Pintre, who has President of the SNDGCT since 2006, will take over from 1st January 2022, for a three-year term, , who has held the position since 2019. This appointment is all the more symbolic as it comes on the eve of France's Presidency of the Council of the European Union and on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of UDiTE, created in France by Gérard COMBE, who was also President of the SNDGCT at the time. 

A special commemorative publication the UDiTE 30th Anniversary Review was unveiled at the congress to mark the occasion. 


Speaking after his election Stephane said "I am proud that France is taking over the Presidency of UDiTE, a unique and historic institution that is dear to us all. Surrounded by a team of experts, I will work to continue and grow the initiatives put in place by my predecessors, and to broaden UDiTE's European appeal. It is thanks to our knowledge of the European arena, our international network and to our ambitions to innovate, that we are ready to take up the the challenges to help the communities we serve to adapt with agility (environmental transition, future of European funding 2021-27, recovery plans etc...), to contribute to the enhancement of the role and functions of the local authority Chief Executive and build our reputation with the EU institutions and the Council of Europe, to strengthen local authorities across Europe and to promote the idea of decentralisation.

The UDiTE congress saw the rejoining of the Italian Federation UNSCP and a a signing of an affiliation agreement by the President of Asociatia Administratorilor Publici din Romania (AAPRO) - Marin Florea.  Watch the ceremony again here.

The Congress also hosted two high profile workshops. The first being a European Week of Regions and Cities side event to the events taking place in Brussels hosted by the European Commission (DG REGIO) and the EU Committee of the Regions. Under the banner of 'Navigating the EU Maze to Finance Recovery 2021-27' UDiTE hosted a range of Brussels based experts from the EU Committee of the Regions, the Conference of Peripheral & Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) to talk about the pressing issues for local and regional government to capitalise upon the changes afoot.  The Green Deal, the Fit for 55 package, the launch of the EU Structural Investment Fund programmes and the rollout of the EU Recovery Plans were all discussed. A speaker from the OECD addressed the meeting and spoke about their new OECD Regional Recovery Platform. Presentations from the speakers are attached and you can replay the session by clicking on the link below. 

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Veolia representative Guillaume Meynet, gave some useful examples of innovative and impactful schemes that his company had been involved with across Europe as part of public-private sector approaches.  The Veolia manifesto for the ecological transformation is attached below.



Session 1

Download presentations

Moderators introduction - SIMON PASCOE, UDITE  
Keynote introductory from CHRISTOPHE CLERGEAU, Member of the EU Committee of the Regions  Download presentation
FRÉDÉRIC VALLIER, Secretary General, Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)  
NICHOLAS BROOKES, Executive Director Policy and Think Tank, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)  Download presentation
GUILLAUME MEYNET, Deputy Head of European Affairs, VEOLIA  Download presentation
XAVIER BOIVERT, Chief Executive of Mordelles / SNDGCT on the key issues for local authority Chief Executives  Download presentation


Session 2 
DOROTHÉE ALLAIN DUPRÉ, Head of Division - Regional Development and Multi-level Governance, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the territorial impacts of COVID-19 and the route  to recovery - followed by a discussion with participants  Download presentation







Session 1 
Global Risk Report  - Needs and Risks in times  of COVID-19

Download presentations

Introduction to the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report 2021 and results from the PRIMO/UDiTE COVID-19 survey of members - RONNY FREDERICKX

Download presentation


Watch the World Economic Forum video of the  5 biggest risks facing humanity in 2021 again.

Session 2 
COVID-19  and its financial impact on local authorities & cities in Europe

Local Government resilience to the COVID-19 crisis, insights from a Europe wide research initiative Celine Du Boys
Aix-Marseille University, Institute of Public Management & Territorial Governance

Download presentation

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